Our world may look very different right now, but the core of our India Ministry remains the same –
To be the hands and feet of Christ bringing hope to impoverished people in India.
Joyful Journeys Ministry
invites you to partake in our
15th India Gala
virtual style!
In the past, we have looked to the India Gala to grow our ministry in Madhavapatnam, more recently Gala funds have simply empowered us to continue the good works being done there.
Previously, you may have contributed to the Silent Auction by donating an item or service. Perhaps you’ve purchased a gift certificate to be used in the Bucket Raffle. Possibly you have donated food to defray the cost of the meal. You may have even been someone who generously made a cash donation. Conceivably you bought a ticket to attend a previous Gala, bid on auction items, bought raffle tickets, or prayed for its success. Or maybe this is the first you’re hearing about it, in which case we hope next year to be able to offer those options to you again!
In whichever manner you contributed to the Gala in recent years, it was truly appreciated! Once again, we’d like you to prayerfully consider giving our India Mission your financial support. Understand that although the event cannot happen as in previous years, the need for raising funds to maintain our current ministries is still vital.
So…here’s what’s happening this year…
Contributions can be made now through October 23rd.
Please make checks out to Joyful Journeys or contribute online through Joyful Journeys Website.
The grand total will be given during the announcements on Sunday, October 25th.