Circle of Friends Shoppe
To provide clothing and other household items at no charge to families in the Washington County, Wisconsin area who are experiencing financial and emotional hardship in their lives.

The Beginning
In 2008, a member of Immanuel Church who was also a client at the Washington County Abuse Center in West Bend, Wisconsin was so moved by the stories told by other women who had taken their children out of abusive situations with just the clothes on their backs that she wanted to do something to help. She worked with Immanuel Church, who graciously donated a vacant house to open what is now called the Circle of Friends Shoppe.
The Offering
The Shoppe’s original vision was to allow women from the Abuse Center to start their lives over by “shopping” free of charge for the basics- clothing, bedding, towels, kitchenware, and other household items; currently, several other public service agencies from Washington County also distribute our “shopping” vouchers to their clients. Most of the items in the Circle of Friends Shoppe are donated, but Joyful Journeys, Inc. provides the funds to purchase packaged underwear and socks, as well as other needed household items.