Every few years, a small group travels to India for approximately two-weeks to visit Marshall School, spend time with the orphan children, attend sermons at the House Churches, learn about the community and neighbors, and immerse in some Indian traditions. On off years, Novahu, Manjula, Shekinah and Karishma come visit Wisconsin to spend time with Immanuel Church members, attend fundraising events, sightsee around the area and even visit Walmart!
To follow along on the next journey to India, please visit and subscribe to the Landowski Family blog HERE!
Terri & Bill Tybring
Terri & Bill Tybring, John & Lora Buck
Novahu and Manjula Valluri with Immanuel United Church of Christ youth.
Terri & Bill Tybring, Lora & John Buck, Julie & Steve Feit, Jenny, Robert, Emma, Johanna, Olivia, & Sophia Landowski