Earlier this year, after needing to scrap 2 of the worn out JJM vehicles in Madhavapatnam, a heartfelt appeal was made by Novahu for funds to purchase a new custom van. This request was a necessity for carrying out the day-to-day activities within the ministry and we were grateful as donations gradually came in, in support of our efforts to raise the $22,000 needed to grant this purchase.
In late June, after the passing of longtime Joyful Journeys Board Member and devoted India Task Force Participant Robert Landowski, it was decided to direct memorials made in his honor to Joyful Journeys Ministry Van Fund…
Over $13,000 was generously given in Big Bob’s honor…
Combined with what was originally brought in, it was enough to buy the van.
May God comfort us all in the midst of our sorrows and be praised for the outpouring of love in reverence of the Lord’s faithful servant, Big Bob.